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Press release

Every work of art comes with its own set of dynamics and inscribed information and is perceived within a framework of certain perceptual systems. It bares its own way of organizing information and the way this unfolds reveals its unique intelligence. At the same time an artwork can’t be limited to any specifc parameters as its logic and meaning is mutable, arbitrary, if not capricious; its meaning remaining an approximation. An exhibition then becomes only a snapshot of the dynamics an artwork negotiates. 


Off Cardinal Points brings together a group of works that refect on and ask questions about these



…What happens when an artwork detaches itself from a specifc medium existing in diferent states of being? When one traces the journey of an artwork and listens to the sounds emitted of its mutability and individual topology? When information is condensed in ways that new unintended hierarchies and semantics evolve? When infrastructures outside of the art world are employed as vehicles for artistic impulses, and common ideas of authorship and property/ownership are questioned?