Keller/Kosmas (Aids-3D)
DoActive TogethAware Diamant Mini I, 2014
assorted charity and performance enhancing wristbands
100 x 80 cm
39 5/16 x 31 7/16 ins
39 5/16 x 31 7/16 ins
DoActive is a series of works composed of various sustainable, carbon sequestering, eco-friendly cause marketing materials. Taking the advertised claims of the materials at face value, the works take the...
DoActive is a series of works composed of various sustainable, carbon sequestering, eco-friendly cause marketing materials. Taking the advertised claims of the materials at face value, the works take the absurdity of this system of equability and causality to its logical extreme. The 'active' materials of the work are bundled together formally, creating highly negentropic returns on its energy-value investment. A portion of the proceeds from sales of the works go to financing further editions in an attempt to build a never ending chain of surplus utility and value that conflates the production and consumption of art objects with slacktivist social activism.