Installation Views
Press release

We access the world through a massive material bank. You can find almost everything you are interested in online. Everything spreads out in front of you—you just need one second. Things are always encountering each other and encountering you. Every day you are seeing nonstop; every day there are a myriad of images being dumped into your awareness. But things themselves have no significance; their values only appear in your cognition. Therefore, fascination through phenomena is endless, but the reason for this fascination is relatively constant—and it is only yours. The flow of images and information influences the way we make art, and more specifically, influences the way we see. The various categories, media and histories become materials to use. Not only is the amount of things to see at the same time growing exponentially, but our various sensory experiences are becoming compressed into a layer of “seeing.”


I am fascinated by these moments of encounter and the ways in which these things relate to me. They help me to find out how I am getting along with this world. What is it we’ve seen? Why would we like to see? How do we see?

Everybody is a star. When you find your position and make your own relevance, your world will start running.