17 November 2012 - 12 January 2013
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Press release

Thousands of forms demise each year and thousands are born anew. For every extinct butterfy with a unique wing pattern a silicon wafer is printed, for every dying mosquito a digital image is uploaded. Fueled by human attention and primordial carbon, these massive populations of info-matter are roaming the Earth.



Recovery and Prosperity, the two successive phases of an upcoming economic expansion, will be marked by a rise of unseen species. So specifc will be the ecological reality we cannot predict their agency. What we can do is render our emotional energy these beings will need to feed off: a map of formal intensities, unfolded from art and commerce. After months of neurochemical translations an ancient signal emerges. An animal. Bonding.



On the occasion of the exhibition MACRO EXPANSION the artist e-book Neverending Story will be released in January 2013.