Transformella malor ikeae shrine (die Schützlinginnen, die Schützende), 2021
papier-mâché, clay, Data Body, 2015 (raspberry pi, power bank, 3d printed casing, belt and buckles), Kommunisate, 2015-2019 (Ikea bag carrier straps, cryo freezing container, collected human hair), Reprodukte, 2015-2019 (oven mit, felt tile, pencil on Ikea shopping list, basil and parsley seeds) latex skins and molds, needles, Ornament, 2021 (HoloLens, latex, hair, papier-mâché, holograms)
380 x 850 x 680 cm
149 5/8 x 334 5/8 x 267 3/4 in
149 5/8 x 334 5/8 x 267 3/4 in
Further images
Transformella malor's shrine is built of large scarred hides made from papier-mâché ReRoh-raw-material descending from the walls and ceiling. In its center, they assembled artifacts and narrations of past ReproResearchRituals...
Transformella malor's shrine is built of large scarred hides made from papier-mâché ReRoh-raw-material descending from the walls and ceiling. In its center, they assembled artifacts and narrations of past ReproResearchRituals in Ikeality: latex-skins and other harvested bio-materials condensed as Kommunisate, as well as the DataBody, an inter-identity device that contains several psycho-realist language devices. Through the ornament, ReproDiagrams and a curved spatial body time mesh of appearances re-tells the SelfSister’s Reprovolution disrupting Ikeae Everysite (a rhizomatic system of IKEA showrooms that has rooted through the entire planet) and enables new social models of reproduction.